About Us

Unjar creates space to preserve and grow wellness in communities.


We envision a world where the influence of holistic wellness practices within communities creates a bridge that promotes justice and peace.

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Dominique J. Troy is a yoga guide (500 HR CYT) and wellness advocate with a vocational call to build equitable communities where healing is central to its culture. Finding ways to integrate wellness, gratitude, and spirituality into each day is key to her leading a fulfilling life.

By day, she is an account manager who stewards partner organizations through audio/visual production projects at a renowned national nonprofit that has recorded the oral histories of over half a million people.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in communication from Santa Clara University, she worked at a drop-in center for youth experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles called My Friend’s Place. Subsequently working with families whose teens were substance users through the evidence-based Multisystemic therapy model in New York City. Most recently, she spent four and half years developing the communications infrastructure and messaging at an international faith-based nonprofit with hundreds of volunteers and upwards of 20K program alumni.

Now, Dominique lives in New York City enjoying its many cultural institutions and parks. She has a soft spot for her mother’s English bulldogs Brutus and Penelope and visits them whenever she can!

What do we do?

Unjar gathers people and resources to increase creativity, clarity, and intentionality in the lives touched by communities and our collective work.

Our Values

  • Intention - move thoughtfully to better account for structural and institutional barriers

  • Creativity - manifest ‘aha’ moments by inviting in playfulness and joy

  • Clarity - make space to incorporate the process of change with a clear mind

  • Community - create a container where people feel seen and want to return to

Let’s Work Together!

Who We’ve Worked With

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The grace that love grants us is immeasurable.